miscellaneous projects

Quilting - 2018
code, design

A game where you weave through a quilt top. Thread your mouse through each patch without going through the intersections and the fabric under you shifts. Like real life!
Made a level editor to add more quilt tops easily.

Play the game here.

Bun Run - 2018

A dynamic interactive comic game where you shape the comic through traditional paneling techniques. Each change you make to the format of the comic changes the character interactions and reveals more about their personalities.

Worked with Xed.

Hug Them Real Good - 2018
code, electronics

You end up on a playground with only your spherical self and two arms. Arms that your potential friends don't have. Befriend up to four cool kids by hugging them! And roll around, that's also fun.
Also made a squeeze controller to go with the game, so you could literally hug your friends.

Worked with Xed for the 2018 Train Jam.
Play the game here.

BaSnakeBall - 2017

BaSnakeBall is a local competitive multiplayer where you control a snake to shoot hoops and win. It can be played with keyboard or controller.

Worked with Laurenz and Hang for the 2017 Global Game Jam.
Play the game here.

Cat's Law - 2015
code, art, animation

Cat's Law of Universal Cake is a puzzle game where you turn the phone to use your peerless mastery of gravity to journey through the land and collect cake.

Worked in a team of three for four weeks, took care of game framework, interface, level design, character art, animation, UI. Won 3rd place in MIT's 2015 iOS Game Development Competition.

CatTsunami - 2014

Cat Tsunami is an endless surfer where you play as Kai the cat surfing on waves of other cats on your way to a black Friday catnip sale.

Worked as Lead Programmer for eleven weeks in a team of six.
Check it out here. The game is out on iOS and Android devices.

Fibers - 2014

Fibers is a puzzle game which requires you to manipulate the fibers around you and solve puzzles to patch up the world you live in.

Worked for fourteen weeks in a team of five to create a web game for a class. I was responsible for all the visuals, including character animation, environment, and UI.
Play the game here.

SET - 2013, 2014

A work-in-progress pet-project single player digital version of the pattern-recognition card game SET, from Set Enterprises, Inc.

In an attempt to make the game easier to play on a computer, the cards have been rotated and the game takes keyboard input, where keys map to the cards' position on the board.
Play the game here.